Friday 4.26.24

Today’s WOD is named after Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, killed in action in Afghanistan on December 23rd, 2009.

WOD: “Nutts”, but with Toes to Bar
10 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts 250/170
25 box jumps 30/24
50 toes to bar
100 wall ball 20/14
200 double unders
Run 400m with plate 45/35

S: 10 push-ups, 95/65, step ups, 50 situps, 75 wall ball, 150 singles, run 200m
L1: 20 push-ups or modified hspu, 185/135, 24/20 box height, 35 Rx toes to bar or 40 modified, 80 wall ball, 200 singles or mix du/su


Saturday 4.27.24


Thursday 4.25.24